07 November 2018
Lecture Reports- Information

   Lecture Report                    

You will be aware that after every lecture we send out a MailChimp email linked to a Survey Monkey survey.

We are required to send a report to The Arts Society after each lecture and the first five questions of our Lecture Report help us to complete the Arts Society Report.

The open question gives us information on the technical aspects of the equipment and  the Hall environment. Your comments are anonymous, although we can tell if the MailCimp has been delivered and if you have clicked through and completed the survey. But we cannot tell what you, as an individual, says. Please be assured that we welcome your comments but some of the problems are not easy to solve! We did acquire a green pointer after your comments!

Your comments are collated from your responses but  because we use the free version of Survey Monkey, we have to copy and paste from the open questions.

 The committee have decided that you should have the opportunity to see the comments made and these are linked on the LECTURES 2018-19 page of this website.

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