Past Lectures
2018-19 Programme for 2018-19: Progamme Secretary Ian Bone
Lecture Reports: Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
2017-18 Programme for 2017-8: Programme Secretary Ian Bone
2016-17 Programme 2016-7: Programme Secretary Joane Deane
2015-6 Programme 2015-16: Programme Secretary Joane Deane
- Due the ill health, Chris Andreae was unavailable for February's lecture.
We were fortunate to have secured Professor Roy Burdon at short notice was able to fill the slot. His subject was:
Colour and Light: Unweaving the Rainbow for Art.
2014-5 Programme 2014-15: Programme secretary: Jeannette Scobie
- There was a change to the May Lecture . The replacement was
The Cuisine of Art and the Art of Cuisine. Lecturer Ghislaine Howard
Those who attended this Lecture will remember that Ghislaine promised to send a book of recipes, written by herself and her husband. Click here to view or download the recipes.