
The Arts Society Lomond & Argyll is running a full programme of lectures

The membership details are listed below

Full Society Membership Fee  
Single Membership £60  
  • A Programme card for the year
  • Illustrated Flyer describing the Lectures
  • Ongoing Notification of Society Events
  • Free attendance at all 10 lectures(held every month except July and August)
  • 0pportunities to 
    • attend Study Days (usually one per year)
    • take part in Visits(usually two per year)
    • join in externally organised Tours 
  • Receive copies of The Arts Society Review, the Magazine of the Association, 3 times a year
  • Opportunity to take part in any of the Volunteering Activities
  • Opportunity to bring Guests to a Lecture. Fee is £10 per guest
Joint Membership: As above £100  

Honorary Membership

  • Granted to persons who are distintinguished in the decorative or fine arts, or who have done valuable work for the Society.

  • Same benefits as a  full society member.




Waiting List:  not operation at present  £15  
  • Illustrated Flyer describing the Lectures
  • Ongoing Notification of Society Events
  • Opportunity to attend lectures. There is a fee of £10 per lecture 

Supporter Members: £20 for the first year/£15 therafter

  • Receive copies of The Arts Society Review the Magazine of the Association, 3 times a year 
  • Opportunity to take part in any of the Volunteering Activities
  • Able to attend certain National Events

If you wish to become a member,  You can click here to download a  Membership Application form

If you are already a member, you can download  a membership renewal form by clicking here

If you have any problems or need more information, contact  the Membership Secretary Jane Davies from the Committee page of this website.



Special arrangements were made for 2021-2022 due to Covid

 Lectures were be delivered by Zoom and membership fee was reduced

Single Membership £25

Joint Membership £44

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