29 July 2018
Can you support the Royal Highland Fusiliers Museum?

Sponsored walk in Millport

 August 11th 2018 

Currently, the Royal Highland Fusilier Museum, the only military museum in the West of Scotland, is located at the "wrong end" of Sauchiehall Street and is known as the "hidden gem" of Glasgow, as no-one knows they are there!

 There is an opportunity to move to the Kelvin Hall Development, providing sufficient funds can be raised.  

This sponsored walk is part of the fundraising for the move.

One of our Heritage Volunteers, Olivia Birch is has signed up for the walk.

 She is looking for support.

Click here for details of the walk; There are details there on who to contact if you would like to join the walk.

Most Importantly

Click here to sponsor Olivia.

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