11 February 2017
Evening Reception for LADFAS Members and their guests- UPDATED

20th Anniversary Event

Evening Reception for LADFAS members and their guests

Saturday 25th March

The Hill House

6.30 for 7pm - 9pm 

  • Refreshments : drinks and Canapes
  • Live Music provided 
  • Talks by Lyon and Turnbull experts:
    • ​Nick Curnow: Scottish colourists, focusing on JD Fergusson's portrait of Miss Dryden.
    • John Mackie: Charles Rennie Mackintosh
  • ​Antiques Quiz with prize provided by Lyon and Turnbull


£20 per person. The evening reception is limited to 80 places.

How to Pay

  • Payment can be made by cheque at the lecture on Tuesday 14th March
  • Make the cheque payable to LADFAS  and print your name on the back of the cheque and put it in an envelope.
  • On the outside of the envelope:  print  "The Hill House"  and the  names of the attendees.

If you wish to receive confirmation that you have paid, you can include a stamped, self addressed envelope. 

A members of the committee, will have a list of  the folk who have signed up and will tick off your name when you hand in your envelope.

If you cannot attend the lecture, make your payment to Ian Bone at the address below, following the instructions given above, as soon as possible. 

Ian Bone
22A Suffolk Street
G84 8YL


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