10 June 2020
Live Lecture on Vncent Van Gogh

'Broken by Life'
Vincent van Gogh's Masterpieces

by Stella Grace Lyons

This Friday's 11.00am live lecture is about one of the world's most famous painters - Vincent van Gogh. His works are iconic, his ear is near legendary and yet this artist considered himself to be a complete failure...

In his lifetime Vincent van Gogh only sold one painting. Yet today he is one of the most celebrated artists in the world, perceived by many as a genius.

The fascination with his life story is unrivalled. Because we know so much about van Gogh’s life, there is a tendency to look for signs of the artist’s
mental state in each of his works. But how much should we let our
knowledge of van Gogh’s personality affect our reading of his work?

This talk explores the artist’s life and his most celebrated masterpieces.

The link to register for this talk is here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zg4HwmjLQpSwCKprH3-CyA
(Please bear in mind that after you register, Zoom will immediately send you a link to join the webinar. Please make a note of where this email is. The link from Zoom is the only link you'll need to click on Friday. If you can't find the link please let me know as soon as possible).

The talk will last around 30 minutes. It will be followed by a Q&A session.

You vcan follow Grace on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/stellagracelyonsarthistory/

You can also sign up tpo receive an email detailing futre talks. 

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