01 May 2018
Golden Jubilee Event organised by The Arts Society, Edinburgh.

Edinburgh has commissioned a new lecture to mark the 50th anniversary and would like to welcome members of other Area Societies to join the celebration.  

Tuesday 11th September

The Freemasons' Hall, 96 George Street, EH2 3DH

Listening to Art: Noises, Airs and Sounds
Dr James Lawson

Lecture at 2.30 pm (doors open 1.45 pm)

and repeated at

7.00 pm (doors open 6.15)

Coffee/tea in the afternoon and coffee and wine in the evening, and hopefully cake!

It is hoped that  Florian Schweizer, the Arts Society Chief Executive, will be there.

Attendees will be guests of EDFAS and there is space for about 50 at each lecture. 

September 11th is the date of the first lecture of the New Session so the logistics of the afternoon session will be difficult.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Jeannette.

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